July 16, 2021
ESA Requests Modifications for Finalizing 580MW Connecticut Energy Storage Compensation Program
ESA and NECEC co-filed written exceptions on 7/16 to the Connecticut Public Utility Regulation Authority (“PURA”) Proposed Final Decision for a 580 MW customer-sited energy storage program. ESA and NECEC applauded the overall framework and intent of the program but sought clarifications on the eligibility of energy storage systems to participate in wholesale markets, the eligibility of electric distribution companies to utilize the rights of storage to participate in capacity markets, and the interaction between required “passive dispatch” and “active dispatch” programs; and requested modifications to the proposed upfront incentive calculations, minimum requirements for round-trip efficiency, and the timeline for the development of a program for front-of-the-meter (“FTM”) energy storage systems.
The program contains two primary value streams for customer-sited energy storage systems: an upfront incentive and a performance payment based on the energy storage system’s responses to events called by the electric distribution system. The program will be jointly administered by the Connecticut Green Bank (“CGB”) and the electric distribution companies. PURA tasked the Connecticut Green bank for analyzing the barriers for FTM energy storage and recommending a path forward by August 2021.
Read ESA’s summary of the Proposed Final Decision here.