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May 21, 2021

ESA Supported 1 GW Storage Target in Connecticut; Advances Toward Final Passage

On 5/20, the Connecticut Senate passed SB 952, which will set a target of 1 GW of energy storage to be achieved by 2030. ESA testified in support of SB 952 in the Joint Committee on Energy and Technology on 3/4 and worked with the committee chairs to ensure the inclusion of accountability and tracking mechanisms. In addition to a storage target of 1 GW by 2030, the legislation includes the following elements:
  • Sets interim targets of 300 MW by 2024 and 650 MW by 2027, and requires the Public Utilities Regulation Authority (“PURA”) and Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (“DEEP”) to report annually on progress toward the goal.
  • Directs PURA to establish programs to deploy energy storage on the distribution system, consistent with and expanding upon its current Straw Proposal for 580 MW of customer-sited energy storage.
  • Authorizes the DEEP to issue requests for proposals for standalone and paired energy storage projects, consistent with the goal.
The bill moves now to the House floor for final passage. Upon the bill’s passage, Connecticut would be the 8th state to adopt an energy storage target.

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