PLEASE NOTE: ESA is now part of the American Clean Power Association (ACP). This website material is not regularly updated and is for archival and reference purposes only. Please visit for more information.

The energy industry is shifting fundamentally, and energy storage is at the epicenter of this change.  To open and accelerate markets we encourage policies in place to allow energy storage to participate in the market, be compensated for the values it contributes to the grid, and hold open the opportunities for diverse ownership and operational stakeholders. With its members, ESA has developed a set of policy statements and issue briefs that support its mission and hold true to its core principles.

ESA Issue Briefs and Working Group Policy Positions

December 20, 2019

Policy Statement: Multiple Use

In this document, the Energy Storage Association (ESA) outlines its official principles and policy positions regarding energy storage resources serving a combination of services, also known as “multiple use.” ESA’s [...]Read More


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December 20, 2019

Policy Statement: Storage as Transmission

In this document, the Energy Storage Association (ESA) outlines its official principles and policy positions regarding energy storage resources serving a transmission function, also known as “storage-as-transmission.” ESA’s principles reflect [...]Read More

April 15, 2019

Overview of FERC Order 841

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued its landmark, unanimous, bipartisan Order 841 on February 15, 2018, in which it directed regional grid operators to remove barriers to the participation [...]Read More

January 01, 2019

Policy Statement: C&I Rate Design

ESA developed this policy position over the course of 2018, with input from a diverse set of our membership. In this document, ESA outlines its official principles and policy positions [...]Read More

January 01, 2019

Policy Statement: Ownership & Competition

ESA developed this policy position over the course of 2018, with input from a diverse set of our membership. In this document, ESA outlines its official principles and policy positions [...]Read More

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ESA is Merging with ACP

Effective January 2022

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