PLEASE NOTE: ESA is now part of the American Clean Power Association (ACP). This website material is not regularly updated and is for archival and reference purposes only. Please visit for more information.

The Importance of Energy Storage

There are many benefits to choosing energy storage, depending on the application and the type of technology selected to meet that application’s requirement. The importance and attractiveness of energy storage as an integral part of the electrical supply, transmission and distribution systems is receiving increasing attention by a wide range of stakeholders including utilities, end-users, grid system operators and regulators.

100x30: Enabling the Clean Power Transformation

This 100×30 paper depicts a path to 100 GW of new energy storage in the next decade.

Diverse Technologies Providing Benefits to the Grid

Energy storage can provide a rich spectrum of benefits to the electric grid, to electricity end-users and to society as a whole. The spectrum of storage benefits can be grouped into six broad application/use categories:

  • Electric supply
  • Electrical grid operations
  • Electrical grid infrastructure
  • End-user
  • Renewables integration
  • Incidental (and other)

Storage benefits are also commonly categorized as being energy-related or capacity-related, and central (bulk power) or locational (distributed).

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ESA is Merging with ACP

Effective January 2022

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